Generation details

A geo-physical conundrum of hyper-conceptual parametric designs, overlayed onto a scene of metaphysical mysteries. Hyperfocal 15mm photography combined with magical realism and concept surrealism.
A geo-physical conundrum of hyper-conceptual parametric designs, overlayed onto a scene of metaphysical mysteries. Hyperfocal 15mm photography combined with magical realism and concept surrealism.

A geo-physical conundrum of hyper-conceptual parametric designs, overlayed onto a scene of metaphysical mysteries. Hyperfocal 15mm photography combined with magical realism and concept surrealism.

Full prompt: A geo-physical conundrum of hyper-conceptual parametric designs, overlayed onto a scene of metaphysical mysteries. Hyperfocal 15mm photography combined with magical realism and concept surrealism. : 4 | A geo-physical conundrum of hyper-conceptual parametric designs, overlayed onto a scene of metaphysical mysteries. Hyperfocal 15mm photography combined with magical realism and concept surrealism. amber, magic, hasselblad, intricate details, HQ, cinematic lighting : 2 | watermark, username : -5

    Seed: 949586415576x576Public