Generation details

a large airplane sitting on top of a pile of rubble. cloud, sky, atmosphere, vehicle, window, aviation, air travel, cumulus, gas, airliner

a large airplane sitting on top of a pile of rubble. cloud, sky, atmosphere, vehicle, window, aviation, air travel, cumulus, gas, airliner

Prompt 1: a large airplane sitting on top of a pile of rubble. cloud, sky, atmosphere, vehicle, window, aviation, air travel, cumulus, gas, airliner

Prompt 2: the clouds begin to pass by with increasing frequency, and as the clouds move faster, they begin to change colors.

Prompt 3: people come to visit the large structure, they come and go, like tourists.

Prompt 4: the light-sandstorm comes and goes

Prompt 5: the sun eventually sets, and the lights inside the aircraft structure begin to illuminate as the sun sets outside

    Seed: 1108456082Dynamism: 30Smoothness: 100Exploration: 59416x608LoopPublic