Generation details

An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. autumn rain turkel, Altermodern

An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. autumn rain turkel, Altermodern

Full prompt: An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. An insanely detailed wonderful river made of marble, gold and obsidian flowing into the ocean is swirling and fractal movements, a person standing infront in yellow coat. autumn rain turkel, Altermodern : 2.0 | duplicate, mutant, blurry : -1.0

    Seed: 818246689Dynamism: 30Smoothness: 100Exploration: 44704x512LoopPublic