Generation details

Glass ball with ship inside of it, captured during rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, with flashes of fire from the ship cannons. rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, flashes of fire from the ships cannons

Glass ball with ship inside of it, captured during rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, with flashes of fire from the ship cannons. rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, flashes of fire from the ships cannons

Full prompt: Glass ball with ship inside of it, captured during rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, with flashes of fire from the ship cannons. rough seas with waves crashing on the ships, flashes of fire from the ships cannons : 2.0 | blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution : -1.0

    Seed: 1785586758Dynamism: 85Smoothness: 100Exploration: 73768x768LoopPublic